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Infrastructure awards wrap-up: Alvarion, Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Networks

The following list details this week’s infrastructure awards for the cellular, Wi-Fi, and WiMAX industries. The contracts are broken down by transmission technology, country and vendor. The value of the contract is included when available.
–India: Alvarion said it signed a deal with Bharti Airtel to expand its WiMAX network for business users in key cities. Alvairon provided Airtel’s original WiMAX network in 2006.
–Poland: Ericsson said it has been chosen by Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa to provide its mobile softswitch solution to boost network capacity, performance and coverage.
–United States: Embarq has contracted Nokia Siemens Networks to assume ownership of the carrier’s voice network operation center function. The seven-year agreement calls for Nokia Siemens to provide network operations for Embarq’s voice networks.

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