Say what you will about exclusive device lineups, the network is still worth fighting for, as evidenced by more court action between two nation’s largest carriers. In the U.S., AT&T Mobility’s request for a temporary restraining order against Verizon Wireless’ network claims has been denied, while to the north, No. 2 carrier Telus is suing Rogers Wireless over its network coverage claims.
Meanwhile, VZW and AT&T continue the “best network” fight in advertising campaigns. AT&T has hired Luke Wilson as its spokesman in a commercial touting AT&T as having the fastest 3G coverage. For its part, Verizon Wireless just launched a commercial based on Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer’s “Island of Misfit toys,” during which the iPhone goes to the island of AT&T’s 3G network coverage.
In Canada, Telus has asked Rogers to stop saying it has Canada’s fastest network since Telus launched HSPA-based service on Nov. 5. Rogers also offers HSPA-based wireless service.
Carriers argue network coverage in courts, commercials