Yearly Archives: 2010

Prepaid bolsters U.S. Cellular's results

U.S. Cellular Corp. posted delayed first quarter financial results showing that the prepaid revolution is in full effect for regional carriers.The industry’s No. 6...

RCR Launches New Unplugged Web site

Arden Media Co. and RCR Wireless News announced the official launch of the RCR Unplugged Web site designed to take readers behind the scenes...

Palm Pre set for May 16 launch at AT&T Mobility

Palm Inc. scooped AT&T Mobility announcing on its Facebook page that the nation’s No. 2 carrier would begin offering the Pre Plus beginning May...

Palm Pre set for May 16 launch at AT&T Mobility

Palm Inc. scooped AT&T Mobility announcing on its Facebook page that the nation’s No. 2 carrier would begin offering the Pre Plus beginning May...

Palm Pre set for May 16 launch at AT&T Mobility

Palm Inc. scooped AT&T Mobility announcing on its Facebook page that the nation’s No. 2 carrier would begin offering the Pre Plus beginning May...

RCR Launches New Unplugged Website

With the launch of our new website, RCR Unplugged, RCR will take you behind the scenes of the wireless revolution, providing news and analysis from an interactive and edgy perspective.

Infrastructure Awards: Ericsson in Indonesia, Nokia Siemens in Australia

Following are infrastructure contracts announced during the past week:EricssonIndonesia: With Indosat to modernize its network with HSPA technology, including its Radio Base Station 6000,...

Reality Check: Three discoveries from first quarter earnings

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their...

Cavium Networks announces OCTEON II embedded multi core processors

It's a good time to be a niche chip maker and Cavium Networks is spring boarding off its recent major growth spurt by releasing...

Reality Check: Phone store best practices from retailers in other industries

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their...

Palm Pre Plus on AT&T launches May 16th

According to a post by AT&T on its Facebook page,the Palm Pre Plus is set to hit both retail and online shelves on May...

Palm Pre Plus on AT&T launches May 16th

According to a post by AT&T on its Facebook page,the Palm Pre Plus is set to hit both retail and online shelves on May...

Palm Pre Plus on AT&T launches May 16th

According to a post by AT&T on its Facebook page,the Palm Pre Plus is set to hit both retail and online shelves on May...

Korea's SK Telecom to battle iPhone with Android offerings

Korean Telecom SK plans to release 10 new Android based smartphones over the next few months to battle against the iPhone released by its...

Unconventional Computing, the Future is Hot Air

Over the last decade, computing power has become much cheaper, more plentiful and more widely available. At the same time, some companies have been...

Korea's SK Telecom to battle iPhone with Android offerings

Korean Telecom SK plans to release 10 new Android based smartphones over the next few months to battle against the iPhone released by its rival KT Telecom.

Korea’s SK Telecom to battle iPhone with Android offerings

Korean Telecom SK plans to release 10 new Android based smartphones over the next few months to battle against the iPhone released by its rival KT Telecom.

Unconventional Computing, the Future is Hot Air

Over the last decade, computing power has become much cheaper, more plentiful and more widely available. At the same time, some companies have been built on business models that require massive aggregate computing power.

Movers and Shakers: U.S. Cellular, 4Info and more

U.S. Cellular – Mary Dillon has been named president and CEO. Former president and CEO John E. Rooney will retire and join the company's...

Litigation likely as FCC tries to reclassify broadband, Global Medley suggests

A research firm studying the Federal Communications Commission’s plans to reclassify broadband services in order to lightly regulate them said broadband providers are likely...

RIM stays top dog in OS battle, Android tops Apple for No. 2

Has Google’s Inc.’s Android operating system hit an inflexion point? Data released today by The NPD Group Inc. would indicate that possibility as the...

Telecom unemployment inches up in April

The unemployment rate ticked up to 8.7% in the telecommunications sector in April, following the national unemployment rate, which also rose to 9.9%, the...

Review: The iPad 3G

This past week, RCR has been playing with the 32GB 3G version of the iPad, released Friday 30th April to the awaiting queues of unwashed masses. Sure, it cost a rather hefty $130 more than the Wi-Fi-only variety of the same size, but the idea of ubiquitous connectivity proved irresistible.

Reader Forum: Mobile subscriber data enables informed decisions

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum...
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