Yearly Archives: 2010

Enabling the Mobile Revolution: Mobile Chips, Devices and Accessories

July Special Edition: Design on Success – a focus on collaboration between handset manufacturers and carriers to design mobile devices to catch the eye...

Lost or stolen phone? Time for

If you're anything like Lady Gaga on a Friday night , you'll be all too familiar with the following verse:“I've had a little bit...

Lost or stolen phone? Time for

We take a look at Irish based company – a veritable knight in shining armor of the telecom world, there to rescue your lost and stolen mobile devices.

Dark days for Nokia

For Nokia CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo things are looking especially bleak, with shareholders raising the proverbial pitchforks before a meeting next week which could prove the Finnish phone chief's last as CEO.

New Twitter for Android app pops up

We test out the new Twitter app for Android, bringing you the first screenshots. Review to follow

New Twitter for Android app pops up: Screenshots galore

The Twitter blog announced on Friday that the popular social networking service had been made available for Android and was now being offered on...

Dark days for Nokia

Friday’s are typically feel good days, especially when the sun is shining and summer is just around the corner. Sadly for Nokia, however, even...

LG releases smartphones for N00bs

LG has announced the Optimus, a smartphone the firm says is “a handset offering an optimal environment for first-time smartphone users with easy and convenient mobile access.” Basically, a smartphone for beginners.

LG releases smartphones for N00bs

LG has announced the Optimus, a smartphone the firm says is “a handset offering an optimal environment for first-time smartphone users with easy and...

Worst of the Week: Apple overkill

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so...

Bits and Bytes: Shaw Wireless, Huawei, IntelliNet

Canadian carrier Shaw Communications Inc. outlined its official plans for next-generation wireless services. The company said it will spend $100 million during its...

Jobs blogs about why Adobe's Flash is trash

Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, is a man who likes to share his thoughts, and the outspoken chief's latest rant on the company blog is no exception; taking aim at Adobe and its Flash offering in a move to silence critics.

Jobs blogs about why Adobe’s Flash is trash

Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, is a man who likes to share his thoughts, and the outspoken chief's latest rant on the company blog is no exception; taking aim at Adobe and its Flash offering in a move to silence critics.

Jobs blogs about why Adobe's Flash is trash

Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, is a man who likes to share his thoughts, and the outspoken chief's latest rant on the company blog is...

Newbay dissipates the fog surrounding cloud computing

Newbay - with offices in Dublin, Ireland and Seattle, Washington - believes it can help to lighten the virtual load with its own personal cloud concept.

Newbay dissipates the fog surrounding cloud computing

Cloud computing is no longer such a nebulous concept, with many major players in the industry pushing to make media convergence something of a...

@RCA 2010: Rural Cellular Association refocuses on advocacy

LAS VEGAS – The Rural Cellular Association kicked off its annual convention with a pledge to improve the trade organizations efforts in Washington, D.C.,...

HTC to dramatically increase Android handset shipments

HTC looks to be seriously benefiting from Android's skyrocketing popularity, with the Taiwanese firm set to increase its shipments of all handsets based on Google's OS.

HTC to dramatically increase Android handset shipments

HTC looks to be seriously benefiting from Android’s skyrocketing popularity, with the Taiwanese firm set to increase its shipments of all handsets based on...

RFID tags help cows teats to tweet: Got Milk?

Just when I thought Twitter could not possibly become any more ridiculous or meaningless, someone had to go and figure out a way.The people...

We read HP's Palm to get a glimpse of the future

Palm had been officially up for sale for a couple of weeks, with suitors including Lenovo, HTC, ZTE, Huawei and others, but HP stepping in to save Palm's day was somewhat unexpected. We take a look at the implications and reactions to the acquisition.

We read HP’s Palm to get a glimpse of the future

Palm had been officially up for sale for a couple of weeks, with suitors including Lenovo, HTC, ZTE, Huawei and others, but HP stepping in to save Palm's day was somewhat unexpected. We take a look at the implications and reactions to the acquisition.

We read HP's Palm to get a glimpse of the future

On Wednesday, the mobile world was rocked with news flailing phone maker Palm had been snapped up by the world's premiere computer maker Hewlett-Packard...

Mobile ad space hot acquisition target, while VCs target mobile developers

Editor's Note:This article is an excerpt from RCR Wireless News' March Special Edition, "The Perfect Storm – A Focus on Mobile Messaging, Marketing, Content...

Building platforms for growth in the new wireless era

Editor's Note:This article is an excerpt from RCR Wireless News' March Special Edition, "The Perfect Storm – A Focus on Mobile Messaging, Marketing, Content...
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