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ARM Powered Android device solves Rubiks cube

bilde14While ESC may not be all fun and games, little British chip shop, ARM, was doing its bit to liven things up at its booth, showing off a specially designed Rubik’s Cube solver.
The solver was designed and programmed using an ARM Powered Android Motorola Droid mobile phone, a LEGO Mindstorms NXT and lots of yellow LEGO technic pieces.
The Android App running on the Motorola Droid uses the phone’s camera to take pictures of each face of the cube, then sending the solution to the LEGO NXT controller via Bluetooth.
Unfortunately, as is sometimes the case with live demos, the solver managed to conk out half way through our video, but we’ve put ARM’s official video up underneath our own, just so you get a glimpse of what it should have looked like.