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Sharp announces 3D HD camera for smartphones

sharp cameraJapanese electronics maker, Sharp, would like us to know it has pulled off “an industry first” in coming up with a high-definition 3D camera for smartphones, due out as early as July in sample form, with mass production to get under way by the end of this year.
Capturing video in 3D is no small task, because images have to be composed from two views taken using two cameras that simultaneously capture separate images for the right and left eyes. Consequently, says Sharp, a 3D camera requires peripheral circuitry to apply image processing to the two images, for example, to adjust color or to correct positioning between the images from the two cameras.
3d demo
Using what various bits of processing, Sharp believes it has managed to succeed where others before have thus far failed, using “color synchronizing processing to adjust color and brightness, timing synchronizing processing to synchronize the timing of the video signals, and optical axis control processing to correct positioning.”
Sharp also claims its 3D images will be captured in 720p High definition, thanks to its Fast Readout Technology, which apparently transfers video data from the image sensor. Because Hi-Def video tends to be rather large, and smartphone memory tends to be rather small, Sharp says it is also using high-density mounting technology to shrink the videos into a more compact form.
As of yet, Sharp is not discussing the pricing, but if 3D movie tickets and TV screens are anything to go by, it won’t be a mere trifle.