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Amobee offers one stop shop for mobile advertising

While the debate still rages about the effectiveness of mobile advertising, one firm, Amobee Media Systems, knows where it’s placing its bets, positioning itself between publishers and carriers in a bid to become the premiere one-stop-shop of mobile advertising, worldwide.
The firm, founded in 2005 and headquartered in Redwood City, CA with offices in London and an R&D facility in Herzliya, Israel, was one of the first to offer ad-serving to mobile operators themselves, and has been rather successful in doing so.
The premise, although simple and logical enough in that it allows for ads to be dynamically inserted into a variety of mobile content, including WAP browsing, videos, music, messaging and games, has been so successful mainly due to Amobee’s service of pulling together all the parts necessary for a good mobile campaign.
Talking to RCR recently, Amobee’s chief architect Amit On explained how the firm connects mobile carriers, publishers, developers, advertising agencies and brands to premium and targetable inventory in real-time, on a global scale. The firm also takes care of the billing, campaign management, ad-serving, analytics, mediation and exchange services, making itself an indispensable part of the entire project.
Despite admitting to an operator-centric approach, Amobee insists it does its utmost to ensure mobile customers are getting the most relevant advertising experience, which is increasingly important as location-based services and social networking grow in popularity as mobile marketing channels.
The company also claims that although its aim is to help mobile operators monetize assets and realize the full potential of mobile advertising, it does not do so to the detriment of customer experience.
It must be doing something right because, to date, Amobee has run mobile advertising campaigns in Britain, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Canada, Switzerland, the US, and the Czech republic with its products and services commercially deployed with 25 carriers worldwide including Telefonica, Vodafone, and Globe Telecom.
On the brand side, the firm can boast having worked with such behemoths as Coca Cola, Domino’s Pizza, Lenovo, Saab, and Lacoste.
Amobee also says it represents some of the largest inventory in the world, exchanging several billion mobile advertising impressions per month.
Little wonder, then, that the firm was voted “most promising startup” by Israel’s premiere financial newspaper, Globes, back in November 2008, nor that it has managed to score both Cisco and Motorola amongst its list of strategic investors.
Other investors in the firm include Vodafone, Telefonica, Sequoia Capital, Accel Partners and Globespan.
Check out our interview with Amobee’s Amit On below: