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iPad proves life changing for elderly Glaucoma sufferer

A 99 year old lady with glaucoma has just bought her first ever computing device – the iPad- and is telling the world how it has changed her life and become the apple of her eye.
As an English literature graduate from Reed College, Portland, Virginia Campbell’s much loved pastimes include reading and writing, with a particular interest in writing poems.
The onset of glaucoma, however, meant that these activities became very difficult – until she discovered the iPad.
The iPad, says Campbell, has helped her by making text legible thanks to its ability to adapt the  brightness of the display and enlarge text size.
Virginia has literally been waxing lyrical about the improvements the hyped up device has made to her life, putting these lyrics down for the world to see in the following limerick:
“To this technology-ninny it’s clear
In my compromised 100th year,
That to read and to write
Are again within sight
Of this Apple iPad pioneer.”
The video below shows Virginia using the iPad, and it’s clear that she is anything but a “technology ninny,” putting more technology fearful people of her age to shame.
Apple has yet to respond, but if they did, we wonder if their response would be something like this?
An ode to Virginia
“Virginia, you really are a trend setter,
In advertising we couldn’t do any better,
For by showing that the iPad can do more than expected
Our marketing you have perfected,
On YouTube this month viewed the most,
Your check will be in the post”
Hmmm, an unlikely response. Still, it’s nice to see the Eye-Pad living up to it’s phonetic name.