Renowned Windows Mobile ROM maker and modder ‘Conflipper‘ has released a list claiming to be codenames of upcoming or planned Windows Phone 7 devices from HTC.
Conflipper, who used to run the well known Shipped-ROMS website – sharing ROMs for many HTC devices – was recently sent a cease and desist letter by the Taiwanese company, leading to the tech legend’s retirement announcement and the end of his website.
Taking to Twitter instead, Conflipper fired a parting shot at the firm by tweeting out a bevy of names he claims are upcoming HTC Windows Phone 7 devices.
HTC, known to like keeping continuity in its codenames, has the leak dovetailing in nicely with the already confirmed HTC Mozart. Conflipper mentioned an HTC Salsa and an HTC Swing, which appear to have both a CDMA and GSM Variant, the HTC Tango.
Other handsets with an unknown operating system mentioned by Conflipper are the HTC Motion, HTC Mention, HTC Blitz, HTC Sage and the HTC Maestro, also with both CDMA and GSM flavors.
“a few of these devices might never make it to market, but they were at least one time planned in development,” writes Conflipper.
Still, it’s a fair bet HTC has a number of Windows Phone 7 devices in development.
HTC Windows Phone 7 code names leaked