YOU ARE AT:CarriersThere’s an app for that – or is there?

There’s an app for that – or is there?


With hundreds of thousands of apps flooding the several dozens of app stores in existence, one might be forgiven for believing the Apple hype of “there’s an app for that,” with some of the less optimistic developers perhaps even believing that whatever they develop, it has probably already been done. According to investors at AppNation, however, that’s not necessarily true, and a couple of app categories remain an important financial holy grail.

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The first category of such super apps are search apps, apps which could potentially help consumers trawl the ocean of others out there to find those few relevant drops in the proverbial app ocean. In the clip below, however, John Malloy, partner and co-founder of Nokia seeded BlueRun Ventures explains why it may not be as easy as the actual concept sounds.

The second category of apps predicted to see massive growth explosion and monetization potential are those that dabble in Augmented reality.

Augmented reality apps are going to be hugely lucrative says Inma Martinez of Stradbroke Advisors, positing that Europe is already making headway in the field, especially in the real estate industry.

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