YOU ARE AT:WirelessGoogle opens Admob’s video ad SDK to Android developers

Google opens Admob’s video ad SDK to Android developers

The best things in life are free, but in order for them to stay that way Google Inc. says it will allow developers to leverage its AdMob platform to stick interactive video ads inside Android apps.
AdMob launched the first interactive video ad unit for Apple Inc.’s iPhone in November 2009 and has since then run over 120 video and interactive interstitial campaigns worldwide for clients such as Universal Pictures, Best Buy and Seattle’s Best Coffee, which is great news for developers and annoying news for Android app users who will be blasted with spammy videos.
In a blog post, Google said the move to unleash the new Android SDK with video ad potential had arisen “based on demand from both advertisers looking to reach a cross-platform audience and Android publishers looking to maximize their revenue potential.”
android sdk
With current app monetization potential lower on Android than on Apple’s iOS, many developers will probably be quite thrilled at the news.
Google is also serving up an extra side of smart with its new interstitial ad units for smart phones, saying that by identifying the screen resolution, size and network connection speed it will be better able to “serve users the optimal viewing experience.” Of ads. Which as users we have to say we never find “optimal,” but never mind.
Google wants developers to know that the move “creates an exciting opportunity for mobile advertisers to reach a much wider audience across platforms and devices,” having already proven “extremely effective in engaging users on iOS.”