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Motorola Tablet Specs, Honeycomb Screen Shot Leak

You know that really sharp looking Motorola tablet that Andy Rubin had the other day at Dive into Mobile?  It looks like he’s not the only guy to have one.  According to a Mobile01 (translated) source who has spent time with one of them, Motorola is planning both 7-inch and 10-inch versions of the device.  Further, the tablet is said to be offered in UMTS, CDMA and LTE flavors as well. Hit the break for a full list of rumored details.
We had heard that it was running Honeycomb from the man himself, only to see brief glimpses of it in action.  Mobile01′s source was able to provide a shot of what’s alleged to be the home screen of the tablet.
Rumored Motorola tablet features:

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