The telecom sector has the potential to play a tremendous role in bringing about inclusive growth In the country as it marches onwards to become, as predicted by many international organizations, the world’s biggest economic power, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Chairman Dr J S Sarma has said.
So, cable giant Cox Communications finally threw in the towel on its half-hearted attempt to become a mobile operator on its own terms. The company, which prior to its launch bragged it would be able to garner 20% of the market, this week stopped selling its own branded service and said it would completely shut down operations early next year.
The draft National Telecom Policy 2011 needs a clear roadmap specifying timetables and clarifying issues related to spectrum management and pricing, according to industry leaders who spoke at the National Telecom Summit 2011 on Friday.
Nextel’s plan to deploy 3G voice and push-to-talk services in Mexico, which was expected by the first half of 2012, may be in trouble after a Mexican court ordered the Ministry of Communications and Transportation to revoke the mobile concession awarded in October 2010.
Puerto Rico may become a pioneer in LTE networks in the Caribbean, thanks to planned offerings from AT&T and Open Mobile. AT&T has said it will launch its LTE services in six new markets Nov. 20.
Virgin Mobile Latin America has received regulatory approval from Mexico’s Ministry of Communications and Transportation to provide wireless communications in Mexico as a mobile virtual network operator.
The Estimates Committee of India's lower house of the Parliament has reprimanded the Department of Telecom for "illegal operations of telecom networks in the country".
India's nationally owned and six smallest private telecom companies will continue to suffer operating losses in 2012, according to a report released Thursday by global ratings agency Fitch Ratings.
Carlos Slim’s América Móvil SAB will pay $4.6 billion (or 62.1 billion pesos) to increase its stake in Teléfonos de México SAB from 59.4% to 92.8%, securing control of Telmex.
In the third quarter, Brazilian telecom operator GVT Holding, owned by French entertainment and telecom group Vivendi, saw net revenues rise 38.4% and a 50.1% increase in the number of lines in service in the customer base.
T-Mobile USA garnered some attention as Google unveiled its highly anticipated music offering in Los Angeles. As the only nationwide operator not offering Apple’s...
Employees infused with mobile devices spend about 28 minutes per day on technology distractions, according to a new report from iPass. The quarterly “iPass...
One of the most developed countries in Latin America, Chile faces very similar telecom challenges to Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. Its mobile penetration surpassed...
The Foreign Investment Promotion Board has cleared a proposal from Unitech Wireless for a rights issue of $1.62 billion amid an ongoing dispute with Telenor Group over the company's Uninor joint venture.
For the second time in two months, mobile marketing powerhouse Velti PLC (Nasdaq: VELT) has announced a strategic acquisition, saying it will buy Europe's fastest-growing private technology company, Mobile Interactive Group. The purchase will make Velti the world's largest mobile marketing company based on revenue and customers.