Originally established after Haiti’s devastating earthquake last year as a means to give the youth of the country a voice in the nation’s reconstruction, Mwen Konté was also designed to get them involved in building an agenda for their own future.
Sen. Tom Udall’s (D-N.M.) proposed legislation to force wireless operators to tell customers when they are nearing their allotment of minutes, data and text...
Due to some kind of foul-up at Google Inc. a lucky man by the name of Tim Schiesser, who just so happens to be a tech writer, has been given access to a previously unheard-of Android Test Market, where it would seem app developers can trial their wares before releasing them to the general public.
In what many would see as a fairly bizarre move, Apple Inc. yesterday released a new app on the iOS App Store called iAd Gallery, the sole purpose of which is – you guessed it – to be a gallery for iAds. What purpose this app serves is completely unknown.
Telefonica | April 4, 2011 | Press Release
Potential: The ICT industry is an innovative growth sector creating an array of new opportunities for other...
Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei is marking its tenth year anniversary in the U.S. today by opening a new R&D headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif.
Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei is marking its tenth year anniversary in the U.S. today by opening a new R&D headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif.
The Nation | April 4, 2011 | Usanee Mongkolporn
Japanese telecom giant NTT DoCoMo is interested in testing 4G wireless broadband technology in Thailand, said...
Economic Times | April 4, 2011
NEW DELHI: With private operators seemingly going the TD-LTE way, WiMax Forum is now betting on state-run telecom operators...
SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is marking its ten-year anniversary in the United States today by opening a...
I've been fairly critical of Rupert Murdoch's new digital newspaper The Daily, both over the ludicrously large investment News Corp. has made in the property, and the subsequent missteps in terms of social integration and target market.
Following are infrastructure contracts announced during the past week:Alvarion Ltd.United States: With the City of Houston for the deployment of a 4G municipal network....
Overall, iPhone owners are a satisfied bunch. A new survey from ChangeWave Research found that more than 80% of iPhone customers on Verizon Wireless...