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Google checks in to FourSquare’s market with Latitude deals

search result offerRemember SXSW 2010, when check-in services such as FourSquare, Gowalla and BrightKite were hitting the big time? Austin was awash with people walking into closed doors as they stared intensely at their handsets, making sure they registered that all-important Starbucks check-in. As a result, FourSquare took off in a huge way, and is now the generally accepted standard for location-based social media.

Well, it seems GoogleInc. finally got that memo, albeit about a year late. For SXSW this year, Google Latitude users will be able to get access to exclusive offers by repeatedly checking-in to certain venues, earning them the title of “Regular,” “VIP” or “Guru.” Unlike FourSquare, where one player will rule the roost as mayor, it seems Google will allow an unlimited amount of Regulars, VIPs and Gurus at each venue, making Latitude’s check-in system more of a loyalty scheme than an outright game.

However Google’s plan, at first glance, does seem to incentivise users a little more – everybody can see what offers are available to the various loyalty levels, and how many check-ins until you unlock them, so you can plan your visits maximise your rewards. The rewards will also pop up in Google Places searches.

Google has  knocked up a map showing which venues in Austin will be offering the rewards during this week’s festival, and so far the rewards seem fairly generous. We’re talking free cups of coffee, free slices of pizza – even a free haircut.

You can view your status progress at various venues right now by tapping on your status on the venue’s Google Places page, although nowhere but Austin has check-in deals right now. Google says it working to make the offers available elsewhere soon.

We think Google’s proposition here is a good one. Their system is more social and less competitive. For example, you won’t see people gaming the system to become mayor, as we’ve seen with FourSquare, and Latitude has one key advantage over FourSquare – automatic check-in. We’re hoping this takes off at SXSW 2011, and we don’t see another year of people walking into doors en masse.

To access the new features you’ll need Android and Google Maps 5.2