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NCC rejects Chunghwa’s reduced call rate proposal for islands

TeleGeography | March 22, 2011

According to the China Post, Taiwanese telecoms regulator the National Communications Commission (NCC) has rejected a proposal from Chunghwa Telecom to implement reduced call tariffs between offshore islands and the mainland. Chunghwa’s proposal would have seen a price reduction for calls originating on Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu and Wuchiu, bringing the rates in line with local call charges, rather than the long-distance rates that are currently charged. However, Chunghwa intended to preserve long-distance rates for calls being made between the mainland and the islands.

The China Post claims that the NCC rejected the proposal as it violates a prior resolution made by the Transport Committee, which requires all phone calls between the mainland and the islands to be treated as local calls, regardless of where the calls originate.


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