Even before being officially unveiled, RIM’s bold new BlackBerry Bold Touch has already been put through the reviews wringer by Boy Genius Report (BGR).
The 9900-series phone looks like any regular old Bold, except the 2.8-inch, 640×480 display is now a touchscreen that is apparently “very responsive.”

It also sports a 1.2GHz processor which will hopefully go some way to fixing all the lagging and freezing Bold users have come to dread, and OS 6.1 should give it a flashy, fresh feel.
Those worried that the Bold’s best feature – battery life – will be badly affected by the touchscreen should be comforted by the fact the device apparently has an improved battery pack too.
BGR says the phone will also be able to act as a 3G hotspot, although carriers like AT&T might limit this potential with crippling $45 tethering plans.
Other than that, there’s nothing incredibly special about the five-megapixel camera and 8GB of storage, but at least we’re told we’ll now be able to film 720p video, which brings us back into the 21st century at least.
The phone is expected to make its official debut at BlackBerry World in early May, with availability expected in June or July.