YOU ARE AT:WirelessRIM develops conference call app for BlackBerry

RIM develops conference call app for BlackBerry

RIM has just launched BlackBerry Mobile Conferencing, an app it hopes will take at least some of the pain out of conference calls.

While the free app can’t actually help you to avoid those often pointless, Dilbert style time sucks, what it can do is make scheduling and joining the calls almost effortless.

With a One Click Join button, the app trawls your BlackBerry calendar and pushes out a pop up message to you when you need to dial in. Simply click the button and – hey presto – it automatically connects you, without you having to fish around for that ever elusive dial-in number or access code.

one click join 21

The app lets users schedule in recurring calls too and reconnects you quickly if the call drops.

For privacy’s sake, moderator codes are protected and callers only receive the information they actually need to join the call.

Sound useful? It’s already available for download, as long as you have BlackBerry Device Software version 5.0 or higher installed.

‘Happy’ conferencing, folks!