Frisco, Texas-based EmFinders, a company that makes devices for tracking those afflicted by Alzheimers, down syndrome, dementia, or autism, recently announced that AT&T Inc. (T) will connect its EmSeeQ bracelets to 911 operators across the country. Financial details of the arrangement were not made public.
EmFinders uses U-TDOA triangulation, an existing cell phone location-based technology, to accurately locate persons who are likely to wander due to medical impairments, even if the person is inside buildings or in environments that would typically interfere with standard GPS technology.
Upon notice by a caregiver, EmFinders activates the device, which then places a call and communicates its location over the AT&T network to the nearest 911 emergency operator, similar to a standard wireless phone.
EmFinders says it typically locates the device wearer in less than 30 minutes.
“For many, the EmSeeQ is a second line of defense that can help return loved ones home quickly and safely,” said Glenn Lurie, president of emerging devices, resale and partnerships at AT&T.
EmFinders claims that the device and subscription service has been used to recover and return individuals in California, New York, Virginia and other locations across the country. The system should operate anywhere within the reach of the AT&T network.
EmFinders is a privately held subsidiary of Liberty Media Corp. attributed to the Liberty Capital group (LCAPA).
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