YOU ARE AT:DevicesComputex 2011: Asus PadPhone to sport Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Computex 2011: Asus PadPhone to sport Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Taipei, Taiwan – The upcoming PadPhone from Asus will sport Google’s Android Ice Cream Sandwich, RCR discovered at Computex this week.

Asustek’s tablet/phone combo – which allows consumers to use one SIM for two devices by allowing the smartphone to dock at the back of an Android tablet – should emerge by the end of this year, a company spokesman told us.


Google has apparently been working closely with the Taiwanese firm to get the software optimized for the still unknown hardware. Early prototypes of the device(s) were on display at the Computex show in Nangang, Taipei, but were thought to be too unstable for hands on demos just yet.

However, RCR managed to track down a company rep to talk us through the platform on the following video: