YOU ARE AT:WirelessDon't be a nerd, get reproductive and go dual core says Samsung

Don’t be a nerd, get reproductive and go dual core says Samsung

A new Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. ad has tipped up on YouTube for the Galaxy S II dual-core smartphone, with the clear message that single core is for loser nerds, while the cool suave kids go for dual core.

Of course, in the male ego stakes, “more” and “faster” is always better, so Samsung’s decision to go with the not so subtle imagery of men racing each other to get into a tube (yes, you read that right) is, ehem, fertile ground for freudian analysis. The allusion to “Tron: Legacy” need no such deep analysis, however.


One of the dudes is a nerdy looking creature, held back by his obviously genetically inferior single core phone, while the second slick specimen has a clear Darwinian advantage with his super-duper dual core.

Phones sell, sex sells, why not mix the two, eh?

Check out the video below and let us know your thoughts: