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Nokia and Sony Ericsson written off within 18 months in new report

Two major handset makers have been given the proverbial kiss of death in an annual list of 10 companies not expected to last through the coming year.
Sony Ericsson and Nokia Corp. (NOK) both drew the short stick in 24/7 Wall St.’s latest list of companies or brands destined to come to an end before the end of 2012. The previous year’s list predicted the demise of T-Mobile USA Inc. (DTEGY) and Blockbuster Inc. (BLOAQ).
Based on a methodical set of criteria, including a rapid decline in sales and steep losses, rapidly rising costs, acquisition and bankruptcy activity, customer losses and withering market share, Nokia and Sony Ericsson are both expected to be gone within 18 months.
With respect to Sony Ericsson, 24/7 Wall St. highlighted at the steep decline in device sales over a two-year period from 97 million in 2008 to 43 million last year. The report gives credence to the possibility that Sony Corp. (SNE) could take over full operation of the joint venture, rebrand the device lineup and push them alongside it gaming console and PCs.
In the wireless industry, Nokia is “viewed as a falling knife,” 24/7 Wall St. wrote. However, Nokia’s current share of at least 25% of the global handset market does make it an attractive takeover target. HTC Corp., Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and LG Electronics Inc. were each pegged as potential suitors.

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