Applications for smartphones that facilitate access to social networks is an important driver for increasing mobile devices sales, which has projected to grow more than 73% in Latin America in 2011. A recent study by Frost & Sullivan analyzed the use of social networks in Brazil, future trends and scenario adoption, and identified how mobile operators and manufacturers are adapting to the next wave of the growth in the use of these platforms.
A total of 48% of respondents said they considered social-networking applications when buying the latest mobile cellular device. The study also pointed out that manufacturers are investing heavily to adapt their products and services to the growth of social networks. With respect to the current penetration of social networks, the study concluded that Facebook and LinkedIn had higher growth compared to the same period last year. Brazil was the country that had the most growth in Linkedin last year, increasing its user base by 428%. Today, the tool is already widely used by departments and recruiting professionals around the country. And, although the laptop is the device most commonly used to access social networks, the use of smartphones for the same purpose presented significant growth, showing a clear trend in the industry.
“Brazil is now considered a strategic country for the big social networks global as Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. Some of the biggest trends in the short term will be the narrowing of the use of social networks in the relationship between companies and their users, and integration of solutions, for example movie rentals, brokerage services and collective purchases, “says Fernando Belfort, senior analyst in a Frost & Sullivan statement.
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