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Facebook poaches yet another Google product manager

Facebook has ‘friended’ yet another Googler by hiring Tom Stocky, the Mountain View firm’s director of product management for search, client and infrastructure products.

“I work at Facebook, where I serve as a director of product,” Stocky announced on his newly updated online profile, though specifically which Facebook product he’s working on remains a mystery.

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Previously, Stocky who had been based in Zurich Switzerland for Google, had been working with the search giant’s developer products team, which he helped found. He had been working for the firm for six years and boasts several degrees from MIT.

With the launch of Google’s social networking service, Google +, the tension between the two Silicon Valley firms has been hotting up as each tries to get one over on its rival. Whether Stocky’s move will be a pain point for Google remains to be seen, but it’s certainly an unpleasant poke from the Facebook crew.