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Google Plus boasts 10 million members in two weeks

The Google Plus Social Network has already managed to rope over 10 million members into its circles, Google CEO Larry Page said Thursday.

Despite launching only two weeks ago on June 28, by invitation only, the service – which is still officially in Beta – has filled up at record speeds and is seeing over 1 billion items shared and received per day.

google plus features

On Google’s quarterly earnings call, Page described the fledgling network’s success as “a great achievement for the team.

“Google+ is also a great example of another focus of mine, beautiful products that are simple and intuitive to use, and actually was one of the first products to contain our new visual redesign,” he added.

Taking a poke at the likes of Facebook and Twitter, Vic Gundotra  Google’s senior vice-president for engineering, followed up with a blog post calling other online sharing services “awkward” and “broken” adding “we aim to fix it.”

Indeed, being able to separate friends, family, acquaintances and work colleagues into different ‘circles’ has been the most praised feature about the service so far, along with its fresh, clean look.

The circles allow people to share differing amounts of information with their contacts. “’Not all relationships are created equal,” Gundotra explained, saying Google was attempting to bring “the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to software.”

In practice, what this means is that in real life, “we share one thing with college buddies, another with parents, and almost nothing with our boss.”