One of the most important factors when considering which mobile network to use is signal coverage.
Unfortunately, for the most part, we only have the networks themselves to provide this information. Call me cynical if you must, but I’m not completely convinced there is not something of a conflict of interest here. There is no standard way of reporting signal coverage, so it is very easy for the networks to report the coverage in a way that suits them.
For UK users, however, the BBC is coming to the rescue. The media outlet has announced an initiative which, with the help of volunteers, will provide an independent network coverage map of the UK.
The idea is that users download a smartphone app (currently Android only) which will record your signal strength and anonymously send the data back to the BBC.
The focus is not so much on signal strength as it is on whether you have 3G, 2G or no data signal where you are. The app runs in the background recording and reporting, although you can see what your own results are easily enough.
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The fact that this survey is independant will hopefully mean that it will serve to drive the networks towards better 3G coverage. Mobile Data really is essential on mobile platforms and the better the coverage, the better the smartphone experience will be.
BBC – we, the consumer, salute you!
A similar survey is also being carried out by Open Signal Maps – although on a global scale.
The BBC Android app is available on the Android market, as is the Open Signal Maps Android app.