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Telefonica welcomes Lang Lang, the world's pianist, as its news international brand ambassador

Telefonica | July 20, 2011 | Press Release

Madrid, 20 July 2011.- This morning Luis Abril, Telefonica’s General Technical Secretary of the Chairman’s Office, welcomed the world-famous Chinese pianist Lang Lang, the Company’s new global brand ambassador, at Telefonica’s District C headquarters in Madrid.

The 29-year-old classical virtuoso, currently regarded as the world’s best pianist, has associated his name with that of Telefónica under a three-year agreement signed by both parties in June. The agreement, details of which were set out at the presentation, encompasses three key spheres: technology, culture and a commitment to society and education.

Lang Lang enjoys worldwide fame and has transformed the music world by using innovative means to bring classical music to a wide audience, ranging from video games to movie soundtracks. He has also given concerts in football stadiums, performed at major global events including the inauguration of the Olympic Games in Beijing and the Grammy and Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies, and is followed by thousands of fans on social networks.

Explaining the reasons for his association with Telefónica, the young performer said: ‘As a citizen of the world, I appreciate being constantly in contact with the people who matter most to me and being able to easily access the information that interests me.”

‘Telefónica,’ – he continued – ‘provides an incredible wealth of services that make living in today’s world easier, more fun and more satisfying. I am proud to support a company that uses state-of-the-art technology to achieve something that interests the great majority of people’.

Luis Abril, General Technical Secretary of the Chairman’s Office of Telefónica S.A, explained precisely why the personality of Lang Lang is a perfect fit with the company’s philosophy: ‘Telefónica has identified in Lang Lang the authentic personification of the attributes that this company wishes to foster wherever it is present: talent, the capacity for transformation and technological innovation and an unwavering commitment to society.’

‘It is hugely satisfying to accompany Lang Lang as he helps to disseminate our brand’s values worldwide because he is an example to the new generations and combines in his personality the classicism of the works he performs with the utmost modernity, just like Telefónica,’ Luis Abril added.

At the end of the presentation, Lang Lang offered a brief piano recital during which he performed, among other pieces, fragments of the ‘Iberia’ suite by the Spanish composer Isaac Albéniz, a particular favourite of the Chinese pianist whose work he has studied intensely. The audience included 30 students from the “Teresa Berganza” Professional Music Conservatory of Madrid.

Press release via Telefonica