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Google + reaches 20 million…plus

Market research firm comScore has released figures which claim Google + has shot past the 20 million visitor mark in just three weeks since its launch, seeing a whopping 82% visitor increase over last week and 561% over two weeks ago.

US visitors made up over five million of those visitors, some 27% of the total worldwide audience, while India was the second most represented country user group with 2.8 million visitors. British G-plusers accounted for 867,000 visitors, while Canada and Germany boasted 859,000 and 706,000 visitors respectively.

googleplus ww us visitors

In the US, it was the tech-savvy city of Austin and the area of Silicon Valley which led the G-Plus pack, with citizens of those areas three times as likely to be represented among the network’s US population.

Men are still outflanking women on the network, comScore says, though that gap is now closing from 90% male to a more manageable 63%, with 37% women now joining in.

58% of the total Google+ audience is between the ages of 18-34, says the report, with 25-34 year olds representing a further third of the total.

While comScore says it’s difficult to imagine many sites reaching such a large population in so little time, the company points to Google’s large built-in visitor base of over a billion noting, “there is clearly potential to convert a high number of users to its new social tool – even if it is still invite-only.”

It’s worth remembering, however, that comScore’s figures are based on unique visitors as opposed to total number of users who have officially signed up for the service.