YOU ARE AT:WirelessBlackBerry 9930 accidentally outed - on video - by Verizon

BlackBerry 9930 accidentally outed – on video – by Verizon

As a mobile news site which thrives on rumor and gossip, we love it when the industry springs a leak and spews out information not quite ready to be released, and today was just such a day.

Thanks to what can only be assumed to be a glaring error by a now-probably-fired web admin at Verizon, BlackBerry’s new Bold 9930 was unceremoniously outed today – on video, no less.


The video – speedily ripped and preserved by the Engadget crew – was accidentally filed under what was supposed to be the video walkthrough of the BlackBerry 9650, giving us particularly juicy, if unripe fruit to chew on.


Thanks to the leaked video, we now know that the 9930 will also boast a 1.2GHz processor (from Texas Instruments, for those interested), have a 2.8-inch touchscreen, 5-MegaPixel camera and Blackberry 7 OS. So, nothing too shocking there.


Nice to know the phone will be coming to Verizon though. Saves us the bother of speculation, that did.