YOU ARE AT:WirelessGoogle takes a mean swipe at Hotmail, recommends G-mail "intervention"

Google takes a mean swipe at Hotmail, recommends G-mail "intervention"

Google has long existed under the mantra “Don’t be evil” but it’s latest ad campaign targeting Microsoft’s Hotmail is just that – evil.

Well, perhaps not evil, but it’s certainly a little mean, calling its rival an “embarrassingly out of date address” and comparing it to tat of a bygone era along with the Floppy Disk, VHS, portable disk player and… the scrunchy.


Hotmail, hints Google, is “an address that should be laid to rest,” once and for all.

The video, starring “Dr. Richard Muscat, an ‘Intervention Specialist’,” claims “your loved ones are being left out of conversations, unable to video chat or make free calls.”

“Stage an email intervention,” recommends the good doctor [Dr. Evil?] pointing viewers to a new Google page:

Now, now, Google, that’s not very nice, is it?

Check out the video below: