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BlackBerry may not be cool, but users have more Klout

BlackBerry may be down and out, but it still has clout, or Klout, rather, with the phone’s aficionados scoring higher than either Android or iPhone users on average.

For those who don’t know what Klout is, it’s the social media measuring tool which takes us all back to the nightmarish days of high school by telling you how popular, or unpopular you are. What makes it even worse than having your head flushed in a toilet by the school bully is that Klout doesn’t even measure your real popularity, just your virtual popularity. It’s a popularity contest for people with no life – a biggest loser of sorts.

While one would expect Apple cheerleaders of square jawed Androiders to top the Klout ratings, it’s actually backwards BlackBerry which comes out swinging. Despite being initially ignored in the study.

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Klout initially announced that iPhone had won the popularity contest by smashing Android 42.0-40.6 (that’s Klout points for those not cool enough to keep up). After dozens of requests from BlackBerry users, however, Klout bowed to the peer pressure and dropped the bombshell that RIM’s minions had blown its competitors out of the water when it came to being cool. Or kool.

At an average score of 43.6, BlackBerry influencers are clearly the ones to put your money on when it comes to nominations for prom Klout king. Especially seeing as regular Klout plebs, not using smartphones to boost their street cred, only score a rather pathetic average of around 20. Tssk, don’t they know popularity is everything?


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