YOU ARE AT:Network InfrastructureWorst of the Week: Bumpy ride through the cloud

Worst of the Week: Bumpy ride through the cloud

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way. We hope you enjoy it!

And without further ado:

Not a minute seems to go by where some company does not announce some new awesome application or service that is made even more awesome by its ability to do whatever it does from just about anywhere. This movement towards being unwired anywhere at any time is gaining momentum due to the tech industry’s love affair with the “cloud.” Also known as server farms run by large corporations where all of your information is kept safe (?) and secure (?) for you whenever you need it.

A number of companies in this cloud game offer customers multiple gigabytes of storage capacity for their personal content and applications that allow access to that content from a smartphone. I am guessing most assume these transfers of data will be handled over a Wi-Fi connection, but from my own personal experience most people I know with smartphones rarely turn on their Wi-Fi radio and rely strictly on their cellular connection.

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Read the rest of this column at RCR Unplugged.

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