Speaking at the IBM Forum event in São Paulo, Don Tapscott, author of “Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World,” said that due to the prevalence of the Internet, we are currently living in the age of networked intelligence.
Tapscott explained that through technology, institutions can rebuild themselves in order to create a smarter planet. And by putting innovation in the center, cities could be transformed and companies can be deeply changed. “Technological revolution is taking us to pervasive computing, Internet of things,” Tapscott said. “Then, there are digital natives and we see a phenomena with young people being authority in some issues. Kids are lapping their parents in net.”
Tapscott said another transformation is coming from social media, which he described as a powerful tool for self-organization that societies around the world are using to change their countries. In terms of economic, Tapscott highlighted that mass collaborations could be a threat, but also a great opportunity, as it creates value and increase companies knowledge.
In addition to collaboration, Tapscott also pointed to transparency, sharing, interdependence and integrity. “Business cannot succeed in a world that’s failing. There’s a change in metabolism of work. Companies need to share in order to transform themselves and adopt mass collaborations,” Tapscott emphasized.
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