FreedomPop, the wireless broadband startup backed by Skype co-founder Niklas Zennstrom, says it will buy wholesale broadband service from Clearwire instead of from LightSquared....
Uninor, in its response, has stated that only Private Respondents (whose licenses have been quashed by the SC judgement) and fresh applicants (well funded entities with no link to incumbent operators) should be eligible to take part in the auction of spectrum that has become available after the SC cancelled 122 2G licenses.
Updated: LightSquared’s attempts to become a wholesale provider of mobile broadband services appears to have come to an end as government regulators have declared...
Over-the-top platforms are becoming more popular among Brazilian consumers. Last September, Netflix, the subscription service for delivering movies through the Internet, launched operations...
Brazilians like to communicate. Recently, RCR Wireless News reported that Brazil was the leading country in growth of Facebook users and during 2011 among...
Ever get a feeling of déjà vu? The longer I spend in the wireless industry (2012 will be 20 years), the more it seems that history repeats itself. This has become apparent recently as we have been looking at the developments in the smartphone market.
Informing consumers of the benefits of LTE, HSPA+ or any mobile data service that might be promoted as “4G” may be a challenge. This is partly the result of misleading marketing as to what exactly constitutes 4G.