Brazilians like to communicate. Recently, RCR Wireless News reported that Brazil was the leading country in growth of Facebook users and during 2011 among the top 30 countries by number of active users, according to researcher Nick Burcher, who has been collating Facebook usage statistics by country. That social media fascination has also made its way to LinkedIn and Twitter.
A new study by Semiocast reveals that Brazil is No. 2 in the number of Twitter users with 33.3 million accounts. That is well behind the United State’s 107.7 million Twitter accounts, and just ahead of the 29.9 million Twitter accounts registered in Japan.
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According to Semiocast the United States represent 28.1% of all Twitter users, and the social network remains extremely active in its home country. In December alone about 5.6 million new accounts were created in the United States.
However, Brazil superseded Japan in terms of users accounts as well as for more messages per account. However, Japanese remains the second most used language on Twitter after English.
Regarding activity, users from the Netherlands are the most active with 33% of accounts located in the Netherlands posting at least one public message between Sept. 1 and Nov. 30. The global average is only 27%, as many Twitter users mostly use the service to read tweets from others.
As for LinkedIn, Brazil’s 7 million accounts are 5% of the social media site’s 150 million users. Inside of Brazil, São Paulo counts 1.5 million accounts, followed by Rio de Janeiro (492,000 accounts) and Belo Horizonte (215,000 accounts). The growth in Brazil became more in evident in the second half of last year when the account base climbed from 4 million in August to 6 million in November.
The importance of Brazil is also reflected in the fact that LinkedIn has opened an office in Brazil, heading by an ex-Microsoft employee Osvaldo Barbosa de Oliveira.
Worldwide LinkedIn users jumped from 135 million in November to 150 million in February.