YOU ARE AT:CarriersNSN: TD-LTE could be ten-times cheaper then VDSL in Brazil

NSN: TD-LTE could be ten-times cheaper then VDSL in Brazil

Which would be more cost effective: to deploy TD-LTE or V-DSL in Brazil? Nokia Siemens Network found the total cost of ownership in different locations across the country can be ten-times less expensive using TD-LTE.

“The [capital expenditures] of V-DSL is ten-times higher than TD-LTE and the operation cost is five-times bigger,” explained Wilson Cardoso, head of technology for Latin America at NSN.

>>> Listen to excerpts of Wilson Cardoso’s interview .

NSN analyzed which technology would better meet the country’s demands, making comparisons for both suburban and rural areas. The largest cost factor, he explained, is in the last mile, with the highest cost in building and maintaining copper pairs. Cardoso also mentioned associated costs, such as stolen equipment and atmospheric conditions.


“It makes sense to deploy VDSL when you are addressing speeds higher then 50 megabits per second, such as when carriers offer IPTV solutions,” he said. In any other case, with speeds under 50 Mbps, Cardoso said it is better to use TD-LTE.

The survey only looked at deployment opportunities in Brazil.


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