YOU ARE AT:WirelessOrange invests $150M for LTE launch in Dominican Republic

Orange invests $150M for LTE launch in Dominican Republic

The next generation of telecommunications was launched by the Dominican Republic’s unit of Orange after a U.S.$150 million investment in 2012 to improve and double its network. The company launched its LTE services by providing data access through USB modems. It is now available to Orange customers in Santo Domingo. Currently, Orange Dominicana is offering LTE services under 1800MHz frequencies.

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As Orange’s CEO and president Jean Michel Garrouteigt noted, the company’s investment was aimed at making its network faster and more powerful. “Twelve years ago, we were the first to bring mobile GSM to the country; we were also the first to bring high definition voice. We are proud to announce the launch of 4G LTE,” he said.

orange coverage

Company said it expects high take up especially amongst small businesses located in Santo Domingo, particularly using pricing as a competitive tool.

The LTE network complements the 3G + Internet services, which reaches speeds of up to 42 Mbps in 3 cities and 21 Mbps nationwide.

>>> To better understand how the LTE roll out is happening across Latin America, download RCR Wireless News’ latest feature report in English or Spanish. Based on interviews with carriers, vendors and analysts, this in-depth report describes the current stage and future steps in the deployment of the next generation of telecommunications throughout Latin America.