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Mobile and social to drive next cloud computing stage

Cloud computing services have transformed how enterprises buy technology and even how chief information officers (CIOs) deal with corporate demands. In Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, cloud computing (in general) appears to be past the peak of inflated expectations,  although in many countries, the model is not widely used yet. Regardless, many say CIOs should be aware that mobile computing and social media will be the drivers of the next stage of cloud computing.

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“Cloud computing, mobile and social are becoming more integrated,” said Google Enterprise’s director Antonio Luiz Schuch during a lecture at the Latin American edition of Cloud Computing World Forum last week. “Cloud without mobile does not make sense. It is necessary to think of cloud services integrated with mobile, and it makes even less sense if it is not integrated with social.” Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing 2012

This fact is noticeable on the Gartner’s specific Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing, which places MDM solutions in cloud computing at the early stages of the cycle, figuring as a “technology trigger” and forecasted to reach a plateau in 5 to 10 years.

More and more, people are using mobile devices to interact, and content must be adapted.  “Companies are developing specific applications to fit mobile,” said Cassio Dreyfuss, vice president in Gartner Research in the CIO research team.  Dreyfuss believes that the next step for cloud computing means becoming mobile-ready.

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