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Telefónica to invest $30 million in Peruvian cities of Lambayeque and Piura

When negotiating renewal of its licenses in Peru, Spanish-owned Telefónica announced it would investment U.S.$29.50 million (PEN 77 million) in the regions of Lambayeque and Piura to improve infrastructure, and expand and improve telecommunication service coverage.

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In making the announcement, Telefónica Peru’s general manager, César Rosas Linares, said the investments will focus on improving coverage and telecommunication access. He added that Telefónica has seen a positive performance in the country’s northern regions, which corresponds to the great economic and business performance in the region.

Among the company’s planned projects, Telefónica will increase mobile coverage in Piura, including expanding its fiber optic network in the city’s neighborhoods.

(The exchange currency rate at the time of report: 1 USD = 2.61000 PEN)