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Chile’s Internet penetration reaches 53.6%

Internet penetration in Chile reached 53.61% of all households, according to the secretary of telecommunications (Subtel). The agency also announced that Internet penetration per capita jumped from 13% in December 2009 to 34% in June 2012, reaching a level the government  had originally projected for the year 2014.

Minister Pedro Pablo Errázuriz said the achievements resulted from public policies encouraging the growth of the telecommunications sector, with the particular goal of reducing the digital divide. “Today, the market is more competitive with fixed and mobile operators that deliver connectivity alternatives, so prices have gone down gradually,” he said.

Subtel also reported that it attended to 1,500 claims this year related to fixed and mobile Internet, accounting for 7.3% of total complaints received by telecommunication services in general.Subtel 1

The most frequent Internet complaints were related to service continuity and breach of contract. The browsing speed was the fifth leading cause of all the claims received by Subtel.

Subtel also noted that for fixed Internet, Movistar leads with 100% compliance, followed by VTR (84%), GTD Manquehue with 81% and Claro with 63%.

As for mobile Internet and mobile broadband, Movistar leads with 62%, followed by Entel with 49% and Claro with 33%.