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Hot market for tablets in Brazil

While still too expensive for many consumers, tablets are gaining ground with consumers in Brazil, a recent survey from IDC Brazil noted. According to the survey, the Brazilian tablet market’s good performance helped the country secure tenth place in the world ranking of new appliance sales. Previously, Brazil ranked twelfth in the third quarter of 2011.

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In the third quarter of 2012 alone, 769,000 tablet units were sold in Brazil. IDC expects that Brazil will close 2012 with 2.9 million units sold, and during 2013, 5.4 million tablets units will be sold. This is a huge increase.

Compared with the second quarter of 2012, the number is 2% higher, but when compared with the same period last year, the growth is 127%.

One explanation for this trend is that tablets were at the top of Brazilian consumers’ wish lists this year, and sales have followed a continuous and sustainable growth despite today’s less favorable economic environment compared to previous periods, said Attila Belavary, a market analyst at IDC Brazil.

Belavary noted that many manufacturers are investing in selling tablets with inferior features, focusing instead on offering competitive prices and targeting consumers who are not as concerned with the product’s technical specifications. Of the total number of tablets sold during the third quarter in Brazil, 46% cost less than U.S.$250, and 80% use the Android operating system.