Global telecom services continues to be the largest portion of IT spending. Gartner, Inc. forecasts that of the estimated U.S.$3.7 trillion in total worldwide IT spending in 2013, telecommunications services are expected to represent U.S.$1.701 trillion, a rise of 2.4% over the U.S.$1.661 trillion in 2012.
However, Gartner analysts predict that growth will be predominately flat over the next several years as revenue from mobile data services compensates for declines in total spending for both fixed and mobile voice service markets.
According to the consultant firm, the global telecom services market might close 2014 at U.S.$1.742 trillion, which is another 2.4% increase when compared to predicted 2013 spending. By 2016, Gartner forecasts that mobile data will represent 33% of the total telecom services market, up from 22% from 2012.
Regarding worldwide ICT spending, Gartner said that if the $3.7 trillion projected for 2013 is realized, it would be a 4.2% increase from 2012 spending of U.S.$3.6 trillion. The forecast released in January is slightly higher than the previous projection from 3Q12, when Gartner said that IT spending growth would be 3.8% in 2013.