YOU ARE AT:AmericasFeature report: Peru's emerging mobile market is ready to grow

Feature report: Peru’s emerging mobile market is ready to grow

While dominated by the two largest Latin American telecom companies, Telefónica’s Movistar and América Móvil’s Claro, Peru’s wireless market still holds promise. It is a highly competitive market with room to grow in several areas. Peru snapshot

The telecom sector is already a key pillar of Peru’s economy, accounting for U.S.$5 billion in revenue.

In the near future, the challenges for the telecom market include expanding Internet coverage and penetration with reduced costs, increasing competition and improving wireless services.

RCR Wireless News has explored Peru’s mobile market in its latest feature report, which includes several interviews with market observers, government authorities and analysts. The report provides an in-depth look at Peru’s wireless scenario and its challenges and opportunities.

To better understand what is happening in Peru’s wireless market, download the in-depth report for free here.

Also, be sure to check out the latest stories on Peru’s wireless market.

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