Wireless network testing is no mundane task. It involved thorough thought, procedures and most of all, high-end equipment. This equipment differs depending on the type of network that is being tested. First, let’s examine the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) and compare a few different types of GSM test equipment.To give you an idea, compare different GSM testing devices from various manufacturers. We’ve started by listing a few below.
Hewlett Packard (HP) 8922S
First, let’s take a look at the HP 8922S from Hewlett Packard. This device is an integrated test set solution for the production and servicing of GSM900, DCS1800, and PCS1900 radios. This test set is based on a common, expandable platform. The HP 8922S is a standalone GSM mobile station tester. For service applications it includes a GSM base-station emulator and all the signaling capability to fully test a mobile without additional equipment.
The HP 8922S is tailored to the demanding needs of incoming inspection and mobile repair. Features are bound together with an intuitive menu-driven user interface. Sharing a common RF measurement architecture, the HP 8922S provides test results during each stage of a phone’s life, minimizing the chances of good phones being rejected at incoming inspection, maximizing the quality of new and repaired phones.
The HP 8922 comes with set of instrumentation for testing the RF sections of GSM radios. In addition to the frequency agile 0.3 GMSK RF generator, the RF analyzer has an agile local oscillator, coherent data demodulator, pulse demodulator, FM demodulator, global method analyzer for phase and frequency error, synthesized spectrum analyzer, and pulse power meter. The HP 8922S adds a bit-error-rate tester (BERT) for performing GSM receiver measurements, channel CODEC for functional testing of a mobile, and the electrical man machine interface (EMMI) is implemented for controlling the mobile and supporting the digital audio interface (DAI).
Aside from their complete complement of GSM measurements, the HP 8922 contains general-purpose tools useful for module test, troubleshooting, and debugging activities. The tools include a digital oscilloscope, CW RF synthesizer, spectrum analyzer, CW RF frequency counter, CW and peak RF power meter, ac voltmeter, dc voltmeter, 1 kHz distortion/SINAD meter, audio frequency counter, and synthesized audio source. The sum of these capabilities makes the HP 8922 an extraordinarily powerful tool for the manufacture, installation and repair of GSM radio equipment. [1]
Agilent 8922 Series GSM Test Sets:
Built for testing of GSM mobile radios. Easy to use; one button call set-up from power on. Makes fast, accurate and repeatable measurements. GSM Phase II compatible (including fast burst BER measurements and enhanced full-rate speech). E-GSM and dual-band assignment capability. Includes electronic attenuators for increased reliability and fast test times. Tool kit of instruments including spectrum and audio analyzers. HP-IB. [2]
Aeroflex Digital Radio Test Set model 6103:
The 6103 addresses GSM 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 and has been selected by most of the world’s mobile manufacturers for field service operations. The user controls have been carefully designed to allow operators of any skill level to test successfully and fault find mobile phones. A ‘no button start’ feature allows mobiles to be tested rapidly without even touching the instrument. Another mode to simplify operation allows all key measurements to be viewed simultaneously with any “out of limits” results highlighted. The 6103 offers five testing modes to suit any user and application.
Two major features of the 6103 require special mention – fax and data testing and the battery life test capability. Further information is available:
- Single Tests
- Automatic Sequences
- Multimode
- Unsynchronized Mode
- Remote Operation [3]
[1] http://www.testequipmentdepot.com/usedequipment/hewlettpackard/telcom/hp8922s.htm
[2] http://www.testequity.com/products/507/
[3] http://www.aeroflex.com/ats/products/product/Communications_Test/Cellular_Parametric_Test/6103_GSM–GPRS~143.html