Network analysis adapter company Napatech launched a new accelerator designed to support 100 gigabit per second Ethernet and allow network equipment manufacturers to offer applications that run faster than the networks they manage and protect.
Napatech said the NT100E3-1-PTP (pictured at right) supports packet capture and analysis for 100G Ethernet and is going to debut next week at Cisco’s Live event in San Francisco. The product includes time-stamping of even Ethernet frame with nanosecond resolution; support for multiple time-synchronization schemes; real-time monitoring of temperature, voltage and power consumption to support corrective action and increase reliability; and a low CPU load.
Dan Barry, VP of marketing for Napatech, said the company is seeing the 100G network market gain momentum.
“The stats are starting to show that the 100-gig market is starting to take off – people are starting to deploy the networks and put them through their paces,” Barry said. However, he added, not all the technology pieces are in place for widespread 100G deployment and network equipment must still support features across varying network speeds including 10G and 40G.
Henrik Jensen, CEO of Napatech, said in a statement that as telecom enters the 100G era, “network equipment manufacturers will need products that can help them stay one step ahead of the data growth curve brought on by the explosive growth in mobile data traffic, cloud computing, mobility and big data analysis.” He added that the new accelerator “is a production-ready product that is designed for long-term deployment – not just a proof of concept.”
“I think it will change people’s perception of off-the-shelf, and what you can do with off-the-shelf,” said Barry.
Napatech and Ipoque also will be demonstrating a new 40G deep packet inspection solution for voice-over-LTE and video analytics in LTE networks at Cisco Live. The solution integrates Napatech’s accelerators with Ipoque’s PACE DPI software to provide faster measurement and analysis of Layer 7 applications for quality of experience.

Napatech launches new accelerator with 100G in mind