Liam Maxwell, VP of products for Oracle Communications, talked with RCR Wireless News about big data from the network, and how that ties into Oracle’s marketing automation service Eloqua and its communications portfolio.
In the video below, Maxwell touches on how last year’s acquisitions of diameter signalling and policy control company Tekelec and multimedia service delivery company Acme Packet strengthen its communications offering and ability to help service providers leverage big data for better targeting of customers. Tekelec saw its software as a path for carriers to begin monetizing their relationships with “over-the-top” service providers like Google.
A recent mobile charging trends survey by Allot Communications showed that operators are indeed embracing new types of app-centric plans to monetize OTT apps, and that service providers are more often collaborating with OTT providers.
“The big strategic play that we see here is, how … do you monetize things better and target subscribers with things that they’re actually going to be interested in, rather than just spamming with advertising,” said Maxwell.
He added that Oracle is taking the approach of starting with an industry standard data model and filling that with network information – such as session initiation protocol and IP multimedia subsystems core traffic information from Acme Packet’s technology, and SS7, diameter signalling and policy management traffic enabled by Tekelec. That information can be processed with big data analytics in order to provide better subscriber intelligence to service providers.
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Oracle: Leveraging network data for monetization