The nation’s four largest wireless operators have now all posted second quarter results that came in more or less within expectations.
Verizon Wireless continued its machine-like focus on attracting lucrative postpaid customers at the expense of all other market segments; AT&T Mobility also reported strong postpaid growth, but a continued impact from its wildly successful Next device financing model; Sprint was yet again the carrier that as one analyst noted continued to “give” to its rivals, though it did manage to improve its financials; while T-Mobile US showed that it was still a force to be reckoned with more than one year after shaking up the market.
RCR Wireless News spoke with 556 Ventures principal analyst Bill Ho to break down those Q2 results, including how the results and commentary from each carrier’s respective conference call could set up the market going into the second half of the year.
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Breaking down wireless carrier Q2 results