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Global Telecom: Google partnering with Telstra

Google plans air deployment

Google is partnering with Telstra, the biggest cellular operator in Australia, for the next testing phase of Project Loon, Google’s plan to make Internet available to remote parts of the world by launching balloons that carry antennas. The antennas send 4G equivalent signals back to the ground by communicating with base stations and using spectrum. Google is also running tests with Telefonica and Vodafone.

China Telecom extending network

China Telecom is expanding its LTE hybrid network trial. The company announced that it will expand to 41 cities by extending the network to cover Jiaxing of Zhejiang provience. The rollout of the expanded high-speed connectivity will coincide with the first ever World Internet Conference.

Biannual Mobility Report released

Ericsson has released its Mobility Report, which comes out twice a year. The report projects that by 2020 90% of all people in the world will have a mobile phone. This year there were more than 6 billion mobile with subscriptions. Currently 20% of the world population has access to 4G LTE; that number is expected to rise to 70% by 2020.