Heddoko was one of the companies demonstrating their solution at the Munich Wearable Technologies conference and also one of the Innovation World Cup finalists in the sports and fitness category. RCR Wireless News had the opportunity to record a video overview of their technology while at the event.
Heddoko tracks movements in 3D and provides visual feedback via their smart sports wearable technology – important for sports in which the body’s position is vital to increase performance and avoid injury. Whereas many other sportswearable solutions track the amount of movement made, calories burned or level of exertion, Heddoko focuses on these precision measurements.Â
Initially, the company is working with athletes in three areas – yoga, golf and cross-training. Let’s take yoga as the example. If you practice yoga, then you know the importance of having the correct position in order to get the most out of your workout. But what if you’re practicing at home without anyone to watch you and no mirrors to correct your position. That is where Heddoko can help. The app can compare a 3D map of your workout to either perfect movements recorded by you at an earlier supervised time or the position of a professional’s pose. The second measurement it provides is to indicate if you are progressing and performing against your prior best efforts. Are you at 60%, 80%, or some other level?
The next thing Heddoko does is provide a 3D visual comparison of your movement vs. an aspirational goal, helping you understand where your position was off. Your instructor can build a program for you to work toward while you are on your own, as well.
The smart clothing has sensors to measure your upper and lower arms, upper and lower legs, chest, back, and stomach. The material is a thin workout-type fabric that can be worn under other sports clothing.
If you’re someone who participates in a sport where even the smallest adjustment can impact performance and safety, Heddoko could help when you’re training alone. I’m interested to see the product evolve and expand to other sports, as well as the final pricing model.
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Claudia Bacco, Managing Director – EMEA for RCR Wireless News, has spent her entire career in telecom, IT and security. Having experience as an operator, software and hardware vendor and as a well-known industry analyst, she has many opinions on the market. She’ll be sharing those opinions along with ongoing trend analysis for RCR Wireless News.