BARCELONA, Spain – RCR Wireless News had the opportunity to sit down with Mikko Jarva, CTO intelligent data for Comptel at Mobile World Congress to discuss the topic of intelligent fast data, including what does it mean and how does it impact the mobile operator and ultimately the end-user?
Big data and data analytics are the terms of the day it seems and especially at this year’s MWC event. Comptel approaches the topic a different way. It’s not just about collecting and analyzing the data, it’s about how to do it in a more intelligent way and enable faster decision-making for network operators. Data is growing on three quadrants: the amount; the velocity at which it is available; and the types of data available. As the “Internet of Things” drives continued data growth, Cisco predicts a 57% compound annual growth rate for mobile data from 2014 to 2019, resulting in 24.3 exabytes of data transferred per month in 2019. Comptel has dubbed intelligent fast data as data that drives instant decision-making and action-triggering.
In order to respond to this constant influx of data, Comptel is offering a solution designed to enable real-time marketing. The solution looks at the data in order to predict what type of marketing offers should be considered and allows for a simulation of the outcome of those offers before they launch, hopefully resulting in more intelligent outcomes. The system is designed to help identify the offer based on customer usage statistics – for example, which service they currently have, which services are available in their area that they aren’t using, upsell opportunities, etc.
Next, a simulation can be run to determine the likely take rate based on prior take rates of similar offers to similar customers. Simulated actions don’t go live until the time is right for a launch. The predicted actions for the simulation can be compared to the actual simulation model prior to any public availability for an offer. Instead of just having predictions, running the simulation provides a scenario for actual take rates for comparison.
The platform is designed to help marketers have more real-time information that can be analyzed and simulated before launch, enabling trial-and-error of different custom-tailored offers and in theory should increase their take rates. This is just one of the features shown by Comptel under the Operation Nexterday umbrella of topics.
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Claudia Bacco, Managing Director – EMEA for RCR Wireless News, has spent her entire career in telecom, IT and security. Having experience as an operator, software and hardware vendor and as a well-known industry analyst, she has many opinions on the market. She’ll be sharing those opinions along with ongoing trend analysis for RCR Wireless News.